Diana Pinto

Talent Acquisition Specialist
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Diana Pinto

Six months have passed…

Yes, it's true… Time flies by! Last year I joined Hiire. With Gonçalo and the rest of the team, I have been contributing as well as following the growth of this company that shares the same values as me!

And how important it is to be part of a company and work with people who share those same values! It makes relationships so much easier, allowing us to create a good team spirit and to feel much more involved in our work.

Joining Hiire was a step forward in my career on several levels, and leaving my comfort zone was a challenge.

I'll tell you why:

Recruiting in technology:

Before joining Hiire, I worked in a generalist recruiting agency, as I often say “ I recruited anything and everything”. Making this transition has its challenges. I'm still learning about technology, programming languages, frameworks… those complex terms that you already know!

Working completely remote:

I didn't know what working remotely was, I did it a few times during the pandemic, but only now I realize the real benefits that it can bring us. It was not an easy adaptation! Creating and estabelishing new routines and developing our capacity for discipline and organization are a must. Habving a specific apace to work, a minimalistic and clean environment helped me in this process!

A company that is starting up:

How beautiful is to have the opportunity to be part of a project from scratch and contribute with our knowledge, experience and ideas. Feeling that we are heard and at the same time being able to leave our footprint in amazing! I will not lie.. It's demanding and makes us develop our capacity for flexibility and adaptation, but in the end, it is rewarding!

These were my first six months at Hiire. I am sure that in another six, I will have so many more things to share. Would you like to know more?

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