Gonçalo Sequeira

CEO and Founder
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Let's face it, traditional recruitment processes can be stressful  – especially for the candidates!  Whether actively seeking a new opportunity or unemployed, candidates often enter interviews feeling tired, frustrated, and yes, nervous.

Here's the thing: interview jitters are common, even for seasoned professionals.

The key to a successful interview – and a positive candidate experience –  lies in creating a  relaxed and welcoming environment. This is particularly important in the Tech and Engineering fields, where a candidate's interview skills might not necessarily reflect their actual job performance.

Transforming Interviews from Tense to Terrific:

Warm Welcomes & Empathy:

  • Begin by acknowledging the inherent stress of interviewing. You've been there, so use your experience to put the candidate at ease. A simple "I know interviews can be nerve-wracking" can go a long way.

Breaking the Ice:

  • Move beyond the formalities with some friendly conversation. Talk about their hometown, a hobby mentioned on their LinkedIn profile, or a current industry event.  A little human connection goes a long way in calming nerves.

Transparency is Key:

  • Alleviate anxieties by providing clear details about the interview process, the company culture, the specific role, and the required qualifications. Open communication builds trust and reduces uncertainty.

Active Listening & Validation:

  • Demonstrate genuine interest by actively listening to the candidate's responses.  Reinforce their points with positive affirmations to create a safe and supportive environment.

Flexibility is Essential:

  • Recognize that nerves can manifest in unexpected ways.  If a candidate needs a pause or break, offer it without hesitation.

Express Gratitude:

  • Conclude by thanking the candidate for their time, sharing their experiences, and demonstrating their skills.

Benefits All Around:

By implementing these strategies, you create a relaxed and positive interview experience.  This not only allows candidates to showcase their true potential but also helps you gain a better understanding of their fit within the company. Ultimately, fostering a welcoming environment levels the playing field, widens the talent pool, and creates a win-win situation for everyone involved.

We've shared some key strategies, but what interview techniques have you found most effective in calming candidate nerves?

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